Menopause & Hormone Replacement

With menopause often comes hormone changes that produce unwelcome symptoms. We offer hormone therapy to give you relief and optimize your quality of life.
Questions and Answers
What is Menopause?
Menopause is a time in your life that marks the end of menstrual periods. You’ve reached menopause if you haven’t had a period in 12 consecutive months. Perimenopause is the transitional period before menopause, which can cause changes in menstruation and other symptoms. The average age menopause occurs in the United States is 51.
What are the Symptoms of Menopause?
Perimenopause and menopause can cause some of the following symptoms:
- Vaginal dryness
- Chills, night sweats, or hot flashes
- Sleeping problems
- Weight gain or fatigue
- Irritability and other mood changes
- Thinning hair and dry skin
- Loss of breast fullness or breast tenderness
- Decreased libido
- Problems concentrating
- Urinary incontinence
These symptoms often result from changes in hormone levels, especially a reduction in estrogen. Menopause can increase your risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, and other chronic conditions.
How is Hormone Imbalance Diagnosed?
To find out if hormone problems are causing your symptoms, our team reviews your medical history and symptoms. They will complete a physical examination and use blood tests to evaluate your hormone levels and develop a treatment plan.
How are Menopause Symptoms Treated?
The experts at Alabama UROGYN provide a number of options for female hormone replacement therapy, including:
- Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy: Bioidentical hormone therapy uses synthetic hormones that are structurally the same as hormones naturally produced by your body. Your physician can numb the treatment area and implant the tiny pellets just beneath the skin near your hip. The pellets release a steady amount of hormones into your bloodstream over a period of several months, and we’ll monitor your levels closely to maintain the best efficacy and side effect profile possible.
- Transdermal Hormone Treatment: With transdermal hormone treatment, you might wear a skin patch or use a gel to increase estrogen levels in your body and reduce symptoms associated with menopause.
- Vaginal Estrogen: Vaginal estrogen, administered using vaginal rings, tablets, or creams, can relieve vaginal dryness associated with hormone changes.
- Oral Medications: Taking oral medications (pills) can relieve unpleasant menopause symptoms or reduce your risk of complications, such as osteoporosis.
Hormone replacement therapy isn’t right for everyone, as there are risks for some populations. Our team can ensure that the benefits of treatment outweigh any risks and develop the best treatment for your symptoms.
If you have further questions or are experiencing symptoms of a pelvic floor disorder, call us or schedule an appointment today.