Bladder Cancer

Every year, around 74,000 Americans are diagnosed with bladder cancer, and approximately 17,000 people die of the disease. The board-certified urologists at Urology Associates diagnose bladder cancer and offer expert treatments to fight the disease and restore your health.
Questions and Answers
What is Bladder Cancer?
Your bladder is the small balloon-shaped organ in your pelvis that holds urine produced by your kidneys until you’re ready to release it.
Bladder cancer occurs when abnormal cells develop and multiply rapidly in your bladder. Most of the time, bladder cancer begins in the cells that line your bladder.
Your risk of bladder cancer is higher if you smoke or have a job with high exposure to chemicals or radiation. If you have chronic urinary tract infections or cystitis, your chances of developing bladder cancer increase.
Anyone can develop bladder cancer, but men over the age of 40 are most likely to get the disease.
What are the Warning Signs of Bladder Cancer?
Bladder cancer causes symptoms that include:
Hematuria (blood in urine)
Painful urination
Pelvic pain
Back pain
Frequent urination
If you find blood in your urine, have any of the other symptoms of bladder cancer, or are simply worried about your health, it’s critical for you to schedule an appointment.
How is Bladder Cancer Diagnosed?
Your urologist begins with a physical exam and review of your medical history and symptoms. If they think you might have bladder cancer, they order additional tests like urinalysis, CT scans, or cystoscopy.
During a cystoscopy, your doctor inserts a narrow tube with a lens on its tip through your urethra and into your bladder. The cystoscope allows your doctor to examine the inside of your bladder for abnormal growths or tissue. Your doctor might perform a biopsy during your cystoscopy if they see suspect tissue.
How is Bladder Cancer Treated?
Our team develops a customized treatment plan to address your individual needs. They consider factors including the grade and stage of your cancer, your overall health, and your preferences. Your treatment program might include:
Surgery to remove the tumor
If your cancer is advanced and your doctor needs to remove your bladder, they provide reconstruction to create a new way for urine to exit your body.
Bladder cancer has a high chance of recurring, so frequent follow-up appointments and tests after your treatment are required. Your doctor will explain your ongoing care needs and can answer any of your questions.
If you’re concerned about bladder cancer, never hesitate to call us. To receive the highest quality of treatment for bladder cancer, schedule an appointment today.
If you have further questions or are experiencing symptoms of a urologic condition, call us or schedule an appointment today.