
UroNav Fusion Biopsy System

senior man and medical professional reviewing monitor

What is a Targeted Prostate Biopsy?

A UroNav Fusion Biopsy is an advanced technique for diagnosing prostate cancer, combining magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with real-time ultrasound to create a detailed, 3D view of the prostate. This technology enables precise targeting of suspicious areas identified in the MRI, enhancing the accuracy of the biopsy procedure.

During a UroNav Fusion Biopsy, the patient first undergoes an MRI scan, which provides high-resolution images of the prostate and highlights any abnormal or suspicious regions. These images are then overlaid with real-time ultrasound images using the UroNav system, which allows the physician to guide the biopsy needle directly to the targeted areas, increasing the likelihood of detecting cancerous tissues compared to traditional, random biopsies.

Why Would a Patient Have a UroNav Fusion Biopsy?

A patient may have a UroNav Fusion Biopsy performed for several reasons. One primary reason is elevated levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood, which can indicate potential prostate cancer. Additionally, if previous biopsies were negative or inconclusive but clinical suspicion remains high due to persistent elevated PSA levels or abnormal digital rectal exam findings, a UroNav Fusion Biopsy can provide more definitive results. It is also used for patients with a prior diagnosis of low-risk prostate cancer under active surveillance to monitor any disease progression accurately.

What are the Benefits?

  • Targeted biopsies like this may help to detect aggressive tumors that could have been missed with a blind biopsy.
  • An accurate diagnosis helps to better identify the treatment required, without overtreatment.
  • Overall, the UroNav Fusion Biopsy offers a more precise and reliable method for diagnosing prostate cancer, leading to earlier detection and more informed treatment decisions.

If your physician has recommended you have a prostate biopsy, schedule an appointment to discuss a targeted biopsy using the UroNav Fusion Biopsy system.

If you have further questions or are experiencing symptoms of a urologic condition, call us or schedule an appointment today.